A Blog specifically created for the Lakota High School (Kansas, Ohio),1990-1992

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

How to Create a Post

I added a few more steps to the "How to Create a Post" section on the blog. Hope they help

Monday, November 27, 2006

Kyle and Holly Omlor: Wedding Day

One of the few photos we actually purchased of our wedding day. Holly and I didn't really care for all the posed photos. We were escaping the madhouse and simply walking around outside the reception hall grounds.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Basketball Team

Here's a fun one. How many people can you nam. Now i know this was before high School but I'm pretty sure amost, if not all, went to Lakota High as well

I found this one as well

Graduation Day

Here's a face that may look a little more familiar to some. me with my parents on graduation day

Monday, November 20, 2006

Sorry that I missed the reunions...

Greetings from Glasgow, Scotland. I'm working in the U.K. this week but otherwise live in West Lafayette, Indiana, with my wife, Rachel, and our five children: Mike (17), Mark (15), Mitch (8), Eleanor (2.5), and Lillian (1). I work in the research unit of the libraries at Purdue University, and with any luck, will be joining the faculty before the end of the year as an assistant professor of library science. After graduating at Lakota, I went to BGSU for a year. To make a long story short, I dropped out of college, followed the Grateful Dead to California, and went to work for an Internet startup company that went under. I returned to Ohio with my tail between my legs and finished my degree in business. A contract programming job for a trucking company in Indiana led to a full time job that eventually led to my wedding their human resources manager. One of us had to go, so I took a job at Purdue. This led to another degree and my embedding myself, like a tick, in academe. Begetting children and yet more children led to my wife, Rachel, pausing her career to allow mine to go forward. She truly completes me, and ours is a full and happy life. I've enjoyed reading the posts and seeing the photos that people have uploaded. I'll upload a photo I have on my laptop, although regrettably it doesn't include all of us. I'd love to hear from anyone who cares to email me (mw at improsaic.com). I'm sorry that I missed the 15-year reunion. Props to Kyle for this blog--looking forward to seeing everyone at the 20-year reunion. Best,

Michael Witt

Friday, November 17, 2006

Emma's Music Video

A Music video I made for Emma about 9 months after she was born

Monday, November 13, 2006

Supporting the Buckeyes

Every year, we head down the the Buckeye Spring game. It's a great

time. You get to see all the players (including the incoming
freshman) hang out with the buds and pretty much enjoy the day

Left to Right:
Mark Reinhard, Matt Omlor, Kirk Reinhard

Anyone Have Reunion Photos?

OK, I wasn't able to attend and Terra didn't want to buy 6 a plane
tickets to come see us all, so we need people who have photos from
the reunion to post them on the blog.

If you have some great photos but need help posting them just send me
an e-mail and I'll be happy to help you out.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Mike Gudakunst with his extended family

Mike Gudakunst with his extended family - cousins (plus his brother Harold in the yellow shorts)- approx 1.5 years ago

E-Mail Addresses

As always, If you have a classmates e-mail address and would like me
to send them an invite to the blog, please let me know. I'll send
them an invite right away

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Mike Gudakunst and his Police partner

Mike Gudakunst (left) and his Police partner Nan

Monday, November 06, 2006

Mike Tyson and his wife Karlin at a hospital benefit

Friday, November 03, 2006

The Nuttall Family

This was last year (Oct 2005)

The Smith Family

Jill Smith (Elchert) with her husband Matt and her twin boys Will and Joel

Ok, this one is 2 years old, but Matt and I haven't changed much - the boys sure are bigger

Lakota High School, Class of 1991

Hello Everyone

this Blog was specifically created for the Lakota High School, Class of 1991. Every 5-10 years, members of our class try to organize a reunion and every time they attempt to collect everyone's contact information, they realize that many of the addresses and phone numbers are out of date.

Even when a reunion is organized, some are simply unable to attend.
This blog was created to help keep members of our class in contact with one another. Whenever it's convenient for them to visit. Hopefully this website will gain traffic and classmates will begin to post their messages on a semi-regular basis. If you found the site, Great! Share it with other members of our class so they can join us as well. You don't need to sign up, just click on the "add a comment" button at the bottom of each article. Who knows, maybe this will take off and before you know it we have a mini Lakota High School here on the web.

Kyle Omlor

Thursday, November 02, 2006

E-Mail Addresses

As always, If you have a classmates e-mail address and would like me
to send them an invite to the blog, please let me know. I'll send
them an invite right away

15 years- really?

OK guys- here goes my first try.
WOW! has it really been 15 years? So much to report in that time frame. Quick version is ... A marriage to a fabulous guy, two terrific kids, one of each, ages 3 (Casey Joe) and 1 (Cara Alice), a satisfactory career in the healtcare industry. You know, the usual - a mortgage, one crazy dog, etc. etc. I still think that I can party like back then, but ... the recovery takes much longer now. I still keep all of those great memories of good times with everyone from good ole LHS in my mind and in my heart. Can't wait to see everyone on the 11th. Dana [Patton] Frank

"How to Create a Post"

I added a few more steps to the "How to Create a Post" section on the blog. Hope they help

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Omlor Halloween

I hope everyone had a great Halloween. I know we sure did