Sorry that I missed the reunions...
Greetings from Glasgow, Scotland. I'm working in the U.K. this week but otherwise live in West Lafayette, Indiana, with my wife, Rachel, and our five children: Mike (17), Mark (15), Mitch (8), Eleanor (2.5), and Lillian (1). I work in the research unit of the libraries at Purdue University, and with any luck, will be joining the faculty before the end of the year as an assistant professor of library science. After graduating at Lakota, I went to BGSU for a year. To make a long story short, I dropped out of college, followed the Grateful Dead to California, and went to work for an Internet startup company that went under. I returned to Ohio with my tail between my legs and finished my degree in business. A contract programming job for a trucking company in Indiana led to a full time job that eventually led to my wedding their human resources manager. One of us had to go, so I took a job at Purdue. This led to another degree and my embedding myself, like a tick, in academe. Begetting children and yet more children led to my wife, Rachel, pausing her career to allow mine to go forward. She truly completes me, and ours is a full and happy life. I've enjoyed reading the posts and seeing the photos that people have uploaded. I'll upload a photo I have on my laptop, although regrettably it doesn't include all of us. I'd love to hear from anyone who cares to email me (mw at I'm sorry that I missed the 15-year reunion. Props to Kyle for this blog--looking forward to seeing everyone at the 20-year reunion. Best,
Michael Witt
Wow Mike, That one big family! You've been Biz-A :)
You'll have to make sure you get all their photos here on the blog. It's good to hear from you again.
6:14 AM
Mike, We need some more updates. With as fast as things change in your family, I'm sure there's been a ton of action
5:39 AM
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