Class of 92

Well here's my first try at this.. Since kyle has been so nice to invite me, I thought I would post some info from the class of 92. As you can see from the picture, yes I'm slowly losing my hair. What can you do? Actually this was from about 1-1/2 years ago. A little White Water Rafting accident, 9 stitches, a scar, a good story. Not any prettier, but my wife puts up with me. So if you haven't guess yet, Steven Stevenson. Living in Toledo area, where I work, sleep, work, the same as everyone else. Married, but no kids yet. Lots of nieces and nephews. For those who remember the rest of the Stevenson clan, Jeff - 2 kids, Anna - 3 kids, Jenni - 2 kids, Sara - 1 kid and one on the way. I'm the odd one out. Please disregard any miss spellings or grammer errors in this... English was never my subject. Hope everyone has a good christmas/new year. I can't believe next year will be 15 years for the class of 92.
Great photo Steve. it's good to see a candid shot on here from time to time. Also someone who isn't shy about posting a not so flattering photo. I have plenty of those myself.
Steve, remember the time i passed out in the hallway and dragged my face down the wall. Ah memories
9:07 AM
OK, it's time for an updated photo
5:13 PM
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