In order to post an article (not just a comment) you need to log in as a member to the blog. To become a member of the blog you need an invitation. Once I have your e-mail I'll send you an invite that looks like this.

Once you click on the link you'll be sent to the log in page.

Decide on a "Username" and "Password" and from that point you're logged in
There is actually 2 sections to this site. There's the section everyone can view. the actual Web site blog itself and then there's the background section that only members on the Web site Blog can access. this section is called the Dashboard

At this point you need to click on the link "Lakota High School Class of 1991"Your screen should now look like this

You now have full access to the dashboard section of the Blog.
You can edit your posts, add new posts, or such the entire blog for articles
I recommend you add your dashboard page to your browser favorites
If you choose to click the tab "View Blog" it will take you to the actual Blog Web site. If you do this, I recommend you add the actual Blog Web site page page to your favorites.
So remember:If you just want to view the Blog simply go to the page you bookmarked for view Blog.
If you want to create a post you need to do it from your Dashboard.
I hope this helps. If i've totally confused you send me and e-mail and I'll try to walk you through.
How do I post pictures?--------------------------------