A Blog specifically created for the Lakota High School (Kansas, Ohio),1990-1992

Friday, October 27, 2006

15 Years

A lot can happen in 15 years. I for one have lost all my hair and
gained a little weight. I could pretty much tell you exactly what
I've been doing for the past 15 years. In fact I may just do that in
order to jump start this site. Don't be shy people, go ahead and tell
us what you've been doing all tis time!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Enjoying the Browns Game

Kirk Reinhard (#77) avoiding the elements and enjoying the Browns game. Would have been a better game if the weather cooperated and the Browns weren't facing Denver. Still a good time though

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Just a couples days up and running

Well it's slow going but for just a couples days up and running the site is building some momentum. There are several more invites out to classmates, and I hope to see them on here soon. 

Monday, October 23, 2006

It's official: Zender takes seat on council

The Huntsville Item

Huntsville City Council Chambers was crowded Tuesday night, as newly elected Dalene Zender took her oath of office for Position 1 At-large, following her win Saturday over Gary Crawford.

County Judge Danny Pierce presided over the swearing in ceremony, after which, council gave Zender standing applause.

Zender will replace longtime Councilman and Mayor Pro-tem Steed Smith, who chose not to run for re-election.

Zender joined the rest of council in selecting Councilman Jack Choate as mayor pro-tem, which was necessary after Smith’s exodus.

Councilman Mickey Evans and Jim Willett did not attend the special session.

Also on Tuesday, city manager Kevin Evans told councilmembers they would have copies of the proposed budget in-hand today in order to prepare for a budget session Friday.

He said “Back to Basics II” will be another trimming-the-fat-type budget for the coming fiscal year.

“I’m more excited about this budget than any I’ve ever been a part of,” he said.

Council will begin the budget process Friday in council chambers at City Hall, 1212 Avenue M, at 8:30 a.m. It is open to the public.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Slow web site

Server problems,

The server hosting this web site has been having issues since Friday
October 20th. Things seem a little better now, but there are still
some issues. Hopefully they'll have everything back up and running
smoothly soon. Hopefully we didn't have too many people try to log
in the last couple of days

Friday, October 20, 2006

Lakota High School, Class of 1991.

Hello Everyone

this Blog was specifically created for the Lakota High School, Class of 1991. Every 5-10 years, members of our class try to organize a reunion and every time, they stubble through the contact information to send out invitations. Many of the addresses and phone numbers are out of date and people are never heard from again.

Hopefully this website will gain traffic and classmates will begin to post their messages on a semi-regular basis. If you found the site, Great! Share it with other members of our class so they can join us as well. You don't need to sign up, just click on the add a comment button. Who knows, maybe this will take off and before you know it we have a mini Lakota High School here on the web.

Kyle Omlor

Contact Information

Below is the contact information for each of our classmates. I'll be sure to post and update all information as I rceive it. If you would like to be added to the list just send me an e-mail and I'l add you right away.


Chester Balderson

Sonya (Conrad) Daley

(Elchert) Smith

Mike Gudakunst


Terra (Hemmiger) Nuttall

Rose (Hoffman)McKnight

(Kiser) Moorman

Kyle Omlor

Dana (Patton) Frank

Kirk Reinhard

Steven Stevenson

Matt Strausbaugh

Mike Tyson


Rick Walter

Michael C. Witt

Dalene Zender


The Omlor Family

Ok I think it's time for a new photo but this is the most recent phot of us all together.

My wife's name is Holly and we have a daughter Emma and a Son Gabriel.

How to Create a Post

In order to post an article (not just a comment) you need to log in as a member to the blog. To become a member of the blog you need an invitation. Once I have your e-mail I'll send you an invite that looks like this.

Once you click on the link you'll be sent to the log in page.

Decide on a "Username" and "Password" and from that point you're logged in

There is actually 2 sections to this site. There's the section everyone can view. the actual Web site blog itself and then there's the background section that only members on the Web site Blog can access. this section is called the Dashboard

At this point you need to click on the link "Lakota High School Class of 1991"Your screen should now look like this

You now have full access to the dashboard section of the Blog.
You can edit your posts, add new posts, or such the entire blog for articles

I recommend you add your dashboard page to your browser favorites

If you choose to click the tab "View Blog" it will take you to the actual Blog Web site. If you do this, I recommend you add the actual Blog Web site page page to your favorites.

So remember:
If you just want to view the Blog simply go to the page you bookmarked for view Blog.
If you want to create a post you need to do it from your Dashboard.

I hope this helps. If i've totally confused you send me and e-mail and I'll try to walk you through.


How do I post pictures?


To really take advantage of the site

To really take advantage of the site, send me your e-mail address and I'll e-mail you an invitation. Once you're signed up as a Team Member you can do more than just make comments on other peoples articles. you'll be able to post your own. With each article you'll be able to include photos and go into as much detail about what you've been doing the past 15 years.

Lakota High School, Class of 1991.

Hello Everyone

this Blog was specifically created for the Lakota High School, Class of 1991. Every 5-10 years, members of our class try to organize a reunion and every time, they stubble through the contact information to send out invitations. Many of the addresses and phone numbers are out of date and people are never heard from again.

Hopefully this website will gain traffic and classmates will begin to post their messages on a semi-regular basis. If you found the site, Great! Share it with other members of our class so they can join us as well. You don't need to sign up, just click on the add a comment button. Who knows, maybe this will take off and before you know it we have a mini Lakota High School here on the web.

Kyle Omlor