A Blog specifically created for the Lakota High School (Kansas, Ohio),1990-1992

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Basketball Team

Here's a fun one. How many people can you nam. Now i know this was before high School but I'm pretty sure amost, if not all, went to Lakota High as well

I found this one as well


Blogger Site Admin said...

If you click on the photo you'll get a closer look

2:00 PM

Blogger Site Admin said...

OK, some you nailed (other than the spelling) and others you were clearly just guessing. Oh and some I do not even know.

I'll wait a bit before I start listing their names

4:29 PM

Blogger Site Admin said...

OK, I'll name as many as i can and hope they're all correct. Oh and I'm sure I'll spell some wrong. So I hope no one takes offense.

Mike Tyson (that one was easy) Chris Morris, Greg Wildman, no idea who that is in the front with his head turned.I think Terra may be right. that might be Rick Walter. Behind him is Chester Balderson, Behind the trophy is Dennis Hossler. Dork holding the trophy is me. Way in the back is Matt Milligan (I think), next to me with the red hair is Mike Hoffman, behind him, barely visable is Aaron Meter (I think), In front of mike and beside me is Clay Wollum, the Kyle Fruth, Eli Arbogast, and finally Paul Hail

5:37 AM

Blogger Site Admin said...

Is Cassie the one next to Valerie? You missed one? I Only recongized you and Valerie

5:04 AM

Blogger Site Admin said...

and I think I see Tyler Bleckinger in the back as well

9:17 AM

Blogger chet said...

Hey everyone.

I am still kicking and still in the Air Force. I have moved around quite a bit. After Italy I went to Virginia, Korea, Hawaii and Now I am in Maryland. I can't believe How young everyone Looks. those are some old pictures, Wow. If anyone wants to get ahold of me send me an E-mail: baldersonc@yahoo.com and I will reply back. hope to hear from everyone. take it easy.


2:26 PM

Blogger Site Admin said...


It's great to hear from you. Obviously if you've read anything on this blog you've been filled in on my life. It seems I'm one of the few main contributors to the site. In any case, i look forward to hearing more from you


3:24 PM

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9:09 PM

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6:57 AM


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